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What is B.E.A.S.T. Week?

BEAST WEEK is Mustang High School's annual philanthropy week put on by

Mustang High School’s Student Council!

BEAST stands for Broncos Empowering A Society Together! 


Mustang High School is about to embark on our 14th year of BEAST Week! If you are not familiar with our annual philanthropy week, it is a time where the students of Mustang Public Schools rally together to raise money for a student or staff member with outstanding health/financial issues, and a worthy organization. All proceeds we raise during this time goes directly to our recipients, and the amount is usually in the thousands. We are also excited to once again partner with the Mustang community as a whole. Because at the end of the day, Mustang thrives on its close knit community, and we’re hopeful you’ll be a part of this with us!


About B.E.A.S.T. Week

The tradition of BEAST Week began at Mustang High School in 2010. This is the high school's most significant tradition and is held highly as the most exciting and meaningful work of the year! Not only is this a week full of fun and excitement, but an opportunity for our school to give back to the community. We have raised money for child cancer patients and many worthwhile non profit organizations in our community and our state. It has been an honor for our school to be able to impact so many lives within our very own community.


BEAST Week is a week full of all sorts of exciting student-led activities. All of its events and activities are done strictly for the benefit of our recipients. Activities such as penny wars, assemblies, dances, powderpuff, cupcake smash, car freshies, snack carts, car shows, color run and more are all done throughout the year to help raise as much money as possible to give to our recipients.













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